Saturday, July 19, 2008

Meeting MuShu

In August of 2007, my Mom, director of Pet Rescue North, received call from a local animal shelter asking if she could take a pug that had been dropped off at the shelter the night before. Having no room at the shelter for another dog, my Mom called me to see if there was any chance at all we could foster the pug.
Miracle of miracles my husband agreed to this and the next day i set off on a one hundred mile round trip trek to pick her up from the shelter.
The shelter was concerned no one would adopt her because she seemed to be vision impaired as well as hearing impaired and had a not-insignificant skin condition that was causing her to be randomly hairless.
When I got to the shelter I had hoped that they would just bring my charge out to me and I would be on my way. It was not to be. Rather they had me walk all the way to the back of the shelter with them to where they had her kenneled. It was greatly distressing to walk past row upon row of homeless dogs and cats that I could not take away with me.
When we got to where the sad little pug was being held I was instantly smitten having a strong propensity to love the unlovable. Despite the fact that she was not very clean looking, had green discharge coming from her eyes and scaly white skin on the end of her nose she still needed a hug and a nuzzle and who was I to refuse?
The shelter worker advised that they had no history on the girl because someone had left her in the night drop.
I took her to the vet where they determined she had an ear infection, flea dermatitis, and her eyes were infected as well as afflicted with the common pug condition of pigmentary keratosis but she did have vision.
It took a little more than 36 hours from pickup for my husband to allow us to be the poor girl's forever home instead of just a foster family. For this I am eternally grateful because I am smitten.
As it is, she is my only girl in a house full of boys.
She still struggles with skin allergies and in spite of growing in most of her coat within a few months of bringing her home, she went through another period of hairloss recently but has since recovered. Once her ear infection cleared up it turns out she really only suffers from the selective hearing so common to the breed.
We are so glad she has come into our lives. She is very dear to me.

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